a solo for two men 
a double portrait – the same and yet surprisingly different. two parallel separate worlds about the core of the essence, pure and formal in the system, but with a poetic power and personal urgency that goes straight to the heart. an evening like a little jewel.
the motif of the ‘doppelgaenger’ or look-alike is both irritating and fascinating at the same time: his appearance confounds the boundaries between oneself and others. the doppelgaenger questions concepts of similarity and difference, problematizes the subject and its identity.

»isson« means ‘same’ in greek and is dedicated to contrasts, reality and illusion, light and shadows, restlessness and peace. two realities that cannot be separated.

»synchronicity indicates more than virtuosity, but rather the merging of two states of awareness. this meticulously composed decrescendo is one of the most moving, most enlightening final scenes that i’ve seen in dance theatre for quite some time.« (tagesspiegel, franz-anton cramer 2003)

a cie. toula limnaios production in coproduction with theater am halleschen ufer.

recreation 2016 dance: leonardo d’aquino, daeho lee

photos dieter hartwig


toula limnaios


ralf r. ollertz


leonardo d’aquino, alessio scandale


klaus dust

touring cooperations

marie schmieder

lighting & stage technics

domenik engemann


toula limnaios



»synchronicity indicates more than virtuosity, but rather the merging of two states of awareness. this meticulously composed decrescendo is one of the most moving, most enlightening final scenes that i’ve seen in dance theatre for quite some time.« (tagesspiegel, franz anton cramer, 2003)

»limnaios finds find moving expressions for the unstable limbo in which the human being hangs lifelong. she strips everything down to the pure, unadorned movement and creates a form-conscious choreography. the almost frightening synchronicity of the dancers piques the spectator, who only on closer inspection finds two fundamentally different worlds. the rhythm of the composition in the empty space follows the trembling rashes of a soul. an outstanding little dance evening.« (berliner morgenpost, c. klementz, 2003)

»the stage, bare and devoid of scenery, is perfectly divided in half between the two dancers, who are placed, conversely, one to the right and one to the left of the audience. the two protagonists, who never look at each other, move in unison in perfect synchronicity …
the dance, which is composed of precise gestures and executed with equal intensity, is hypnotic. it’s a piece that is essential, efficient, and charming. the two dancers are extremely talented in their extraordinary precision.« (campadidanza.it, n. campanelli, 2017)

»“isson ”- that’s the name of a dance piece by toula limnaios, created and choreographed for two male dancers, who carry the evening on their own. the idea of doppelgangerism is used as an artistic motif, resulting in a multi-layered movement dialog/monologue that takes place in different realities. an exciting dance evening. this is one of the best pieces by toula limnaios and her ensemble, with whom she`s been working in berlin for decades.« (rbb kulturradio, m. kalina, 2017)