the new creation by cie. toula limnaios is inspired by the motif of the »ship of fools«. this dates back to plato, but has become an increasingly burning theme in literature and art from the middle ages to the present day. »la nef des fols« allows us think in different directions. it remains open as to whether the protagonists represent an exuberant society that is navigating a pilotless ship that has already lost its course, or whether they are trying to escape disaster and danger. on their journey into the unknown, subject to the paradox of total freedom and at the same time complete imprisonment, they frenetically strive forward.

in an almost surrealistic allegory of the vices of our time, cie. toula limnaios searches for the community-creating element in an increasingly merciless world. violence is mixed with moments of light and hope, while the poetic images, despite all their tragedy, are always grounded in beauty.

»the journey of the madman is a rigorous separation, locked in a boat from which there is no escape.« michel foucault (from: »madness and society – a history of madness in the age of reason«)

premiere 3 – 6 + 10 – 13 july 2024
18 – 21 + 25 – 28 september 2024


concept/choreography/space toula limnaios music ralf r. ollertz dance/creation  rafael abreu, daniel afonso, francesca bedin, laura beschi, félix deepen, karolina kardasz, amandine lamouroux, hironori sugata assistance alice gaspari technical director/lighting design felix grimm lighttechnic domenik engemann costumes toula limnaios, kristina weiß busch touring/cooperations marie schmieder public/relations sarah boehmer video/edit giacomo corvaia

the cie. toula limnaios is institutionally supported by the state of berlin, senate administration for culture and social cohesion. © 2024