›the human face‹
in »volto umano«, violence infiltrates the micro-society of the interpreters, oozes in and out of their bodies. the piece oscillates between the “little mis-deeds” in society, from which the merciless emerges. it embodies just how thin the blanket of civilization is when ethics and morals fall victim to barbarism.

»volto umano« reveals human weakness, thus aiming straight into the heart of the present gradually distancing itself from humanity. it reveals the hubris of humans. everything can change from one moment to the next and for it to plummet into calamity.

»toula limnaios finds depressing pictures … in »volto umano« there is no attention, only direction and manipulation. the group actions contrasted with emotional solos … there is no longer any protection space from the inhuman … the dancers inspire with their expressive anger and physical vehemence. an unsettling evening. « (tagesspiegel s. luzina)

concept/ choreography  toula limnaios dance/ creation  daniel afonso, leonardo d’aquino, priscilla fiuza, alba de miguel, katja scholz, alessio scandale, hironori sugata, karolina wyrwal music ralf r. ollertz chorographic assistance ute pliestermann lighting design/ technical director felix grimm costumes/ space antonia limnaios, toula limnaios lighttechnic domenik engemann public relations silke wiethe

premiere 15 june 2018

the cie. toula limnaios is supported by the senate department for culture and social cohesion.

tours germany (bremerhaven), canada (montreal), nicaragua (managua)

© 2018 cie. toula limnaios video walter bickmann, tanzforumberlin
