a solo for two men 
a double portrait – the same and yet surprisingly different. two parallel separate worlds about the core of the essence, pure and formal in the system, but with a poetic power and personal urgency that goes straight to the heart. an evening like a little jewel.
the motif of the ‘doppelgaenger’ or look-alike is both irritating and fascinating at the same time: his appearance confounds the boundaries between oneself and others. the doppelgaenger questions concepts of similarity and difference, problematizes the subject and its identity.

»synchronicity indicates more than virtuosity, but rather the merging of two states of awareness. this meticulously composed decrescendo is one of the most moving, most enlightening final scenes that i’ve seen in dance theatre for quite some time.« (tagesspiegel, franz-anton cramer 2003)

concept/ choreography/ space/ costumes toula limnaios music ralf r. ollertz dance/creation: leonardo d’aquino, alessio scandale lightdesign klaus dust assistance ute pliestermann light / stage technics domenik engemann

premiere 21 july 2016

the cie. toula limnaios is supported by the senate department for culture and social cohesion.

tours germany (bremerhaven), georgia (tiblisi), greece (chania, crete), jordan (amman), palestine (ramallah)

© 2020 cie. toula limnaios video walter bickmann, tanzforumberlin
