in our online program we publish documentaries and interviews that provide very special insights into our work and an intimate proximity to the performers. this program is free of charge for you. you can help us with a donation. we also regularly show livestreams and film versions of our works here for a limited time. you can find the dates in our calendar.
a documentary by bernd sahling
«tell me a better story» is a series of solo duo pieces developed for the ensemble during the time of isolation and pandemic. in uncertainty and despair, looking at a non-existent future, we experienced each day anew. we gave each other this “precious time”.
a development process that took hold of us, unexpectedly, simply took us along and we allowed it. enriching in retrospect.
the charisma of each dancer and their personality have always been characteristic of our work. their individual power will be seen in six soli and one duet. they reflect the personalities of our ensemble, whose character and aura are always present on stage and shape the work of cie. toula limnaios.
film director bernd sahling interviewed the interpreters alba de miguel and leonardo d’aquino about the special creation process and accompanied the rehearsals, giving special insights behind the scenes.
the cie. toula limnaios is institutionally supported by the state of berlin, senate administration for culture and europe. ©2020
artistic director/choreography
toula limnaios
bernd sahling
artistic director/music
ralf r. ollertz
choreography in collaboration with the dancers
daniel afonso, leonardo d’aquino, francesca bedin, laura beschi, alba de miguel, alessio scandale, hironori sugata, karolina wyrwal
choreographic assistance
ute pliestermann
technical director/lightdesign
felix grimm
lighting/stage technics
domenik engemann
marie schmieder